As previously covered, The Armagh Parks Experience began on Saturday 26th May.
It a slight change to the format previously use in the 7 Hills Challenge in that this event takes place over five sessions taking in parks in and around Armagh. It started off with the Demesne on Saturday 26th and the second park walk, this time at the Navan, took place last Saturday 2nd June. Below are some pictures of the walkers. There are still three parks to go.
invites you to an information session on Universal Credit...
How long will I have to wait for my money?
I have attended previous Universal Credit sessions...should I attend another?
What information can I pass onto members of my community?
If I move house, how will it affect me?
If you have asked yourself any of the above or you have questions of your own around Universal Credit, join us at this community focused session!
DATE: Wednesday 14th March 2018
TIME: Registration and Refreshments at 10.00 am
VENUE: Lough Neagh Discovery Centre
RSVP to Siobhán NOW and state any lunch requirements
Phone or text: 07974 263686
I have attended previous Universal Credit sessions...should I attend another?
Funded by the Housing Executive Community Grant Fund with assistance from Supporting Communities
Pictured above are some of the volunteers that availed of the recent defibrillator training that the West Armagh Consortium delivered on Saturday 3rd February. There was two sessions consisting of classes of 8 persons. These classes are part of the ongoing training programme in the use of AEDs that began with the provision of defibrillators for community houses located within the neighbourhood renewal area. This is the third year that community volunteers been trained up in the use of these life saving devices. This training provides an ever increasing pool of community volunteers capable of using the machines that are located in several estates in the town.
***BT fraud alert****
The West Armagh Consortium are currently investigating a Scam in which it was a victim and had a substantial amount of money fraudulently taken from its bank account, the money taken was earmarked for future programmes that local communities would benefit from.
The scam involved somebody phoning the Consortium offices claiming to be from BT. They informed the organisation that BT were carrying out maintenance on its lines and requested a member of the organisation to carry out a number of instructions that allowed remote access to the office computer and subsequently recorded the organisations bank details.
The Consortium are currently assisting the Police, and the bank involved with their enquiries.
The West Armagh Consortium would ask local people, organisations and businesses to be vigilant when receiving calls similar to this and do not complete any transactions via phone or computer/tablet. If people are phoning you and looking for you to carry out instructions relating to your phone, computer/tablet, bank or ask for any personal details.....hang up. Think fraud, these details may allow scammers to gain remote access to your computer and bank
Please share this information with family and friends who may not have access to Social media.
The West Armagh Consortium recently purchased a small stage that is available to groups to hire out. The stage is 8ft X12Ft and 18" high complete with step. Suitable for small presentations such as a dancing display. Reversible hard wood and padded surface. Completely portable and easy to assemble and transport. Transportation of stage is available as well.
Groups looking to organise youth activities over the coming summer should note that efforts are afoot to help with the cost of running of programmes such as youth/children/family activities (summer scheme/outings/fun day etc.) To date two meetings have been held to assist community volunteers with information on possible funders, funding applications, deadlines and other general information. While some groups have availed of these information sessions, unfortunately not all have been involved in the update.
Community groups will be well aware of the shortfall in funding for community projects therefore it is essential that groups send representatives to such meetings. Summer activities in respective areas will not take place without the necessary funding and while these sessions cannot guarantee funding they will at least arm community groups will all the necessary facts.