The Lord Mayor of Armagh City BanbridgeCraigavon Council Cllr.Darryn Causby officially launched the West Armagh Consortium’s social enterprise scheme An Post Fánach on Thursday 10th March. Speaking at the event the Lord Mayor said that he was delighted to be asked to attend the official opening. He went on to praise the organisers for their efforts in bringing the scheme so far. The Lord Mayor also spoke highly of the whole concept of social enterprise that reinvests monies back into the scheme.
The event was chaired by Louis O’Neill co-ordinater of the council’s Growing Communities Programme that is part of its commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal. He introduced Eamon McCarron of DSD, the main funder of the project. Mr. McCarron stressed that such programmes as An Post Fánach were the type that DSD could support wholeheartedly. He also pledged continuing DSD support for such project
Last up was Stephen Fields, Chairman of the West Armagh Consortium who gave a PowerPoint presentation detailing all the aspects of An Post Fánach. He explained the idea behind the project and outlined the type of jobs that will be covered under the scheme. As part of the project the consortium purchased a steel container which will serve as both a store and workshop.
The event finished off with a visit to the workshop and inspection of the van acquired to service the programme. Lord Mayor Crosby then officially launched An Post Fánach by opening the workshop.